Friday, April 15, 2011

Q4 W2

My company doesn't have a name quite yet (Lauryn said the Flying Sandwich.... and I like it. :D), but I've FINALLY thought of an idea for it. I want to have a t-shirt/sweatshirt/clothing company that has the whole, "quote from a movie or tv show" thing. but I want all of the things to be "kosher" so no cussing and such, so they're ok to wear whenever. (Kudos to Stacey for the idea. :D)
I want my logo to include a lot of modern culture kind of references and t-shirt things so people will immediately be able to tell what my company is about. I want the whole company to have a kind of retro, bright-colors-and-abstract-shapes-kind-of-feel.

Logo 1- The name of the company so it looks like it's bursting out of something
Logo 2- Using an abbreviation for my company (first two letters or something) and have it on a background that's abstract shapes and lines.
Logo 3- If I use the name Flying Sandwich, then I'll have a picture of the sandwich with wings. :D
Logo 4-
Logo 5-

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 7

During this week we started working on pages 6 and 7. Which have to do with the Elements of Design; page 6 is a basic description, and page 7 will be a album cover showing the use of the elements while showcasing music. I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm still a little lost about what I want my cd cover to look like. I think that as I do a little more research on the Elements of Design, and look a little more into the thousands of songs and album covers at my discretion, I'll get a better idea of the direction I want to go with my cover art. and I think that this is going to be a very fun project.

P05 - Watercolor

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

P01 and P02 - Principles of Design

Just a note: As you may or may not be able to see, the word "Contrast" starts on the first page, and then carries over to the second page...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 2 - What I Learned This Week

This week we worked on creating a star field from scratch in Photoshop. I thought it was really fun seeing a totally blank canvas turn into what could look like, with a little more work, a picture from Hubble. We learned how to turn a simple filter, like the noise filter, and with some level adjustments, make it look like a starry sky. I also learned that if we add certain effects to different layers, and then make copies (or apply it a second or third time) the effect becomes more intense and pronounced. and I also didn't realize that you can apply gradients and filters to layer masks, and that gives you a lot more flexibility when you're trying to tweak something to get it just right. annnnnd, that's what I learned this week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 1 - What I Learned

This week we looked up different digital artists, and their art. Which really didn't teach me much, just that there are lots of different sorts of art that can be created on a computer, much of which, I don't know much about.
That was on Wednesday. Today, we learned how to make a lens flare from scratch, which I found really interesting, and I can see a lot of ways and places it could be used. And it's quite simple. I learned a lot about combining different gradients and blending modes; we used key shortcuts that I didn't know about, and we also used some tools that I really hadn't thought about using before (Smudge Tool, Single Row Marquee Tool). We also used a lot of different filters, some of which I was familiar with, and others, like the Lens Flare and Polar Coordinates filters, I had never seen used before, and didn't know how they could be useful. So overall, I think I've learned a lot this week, and it was a fun class.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Link to my Digital Artist, Steve McGhee

Steve McGhee-

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Selection Tool Tutorial

Elliptical Marquee Tool:
My opinion of using this tool to select things is that it's nice if you want a general shape around something, not for if you want to be super accurate in what you're selecting.
I would use it if you are selecting something that doesn't really matter how specific you are on the outline.

Magic Wand Tool:
I, honestly, wanted to strangle myself while using this tool. One wrong click, and half of the lake was selected; I understand that the magic wand tool can be very useful for certain things, but using it here made me dislike it.... a lot.
Use the magic wand tool if you are selecting something that is all the same shade or color, and if it contrasts sharply with the background, that's even better.

Magnetic Lasso Tool:
In my last Photoshop class, we used the Magnetic Lasso Tool all the time, so I like it and am familiar with it also; that put it second on my list of "favorite tools to use on this assignment".
Just like the Magic Wand Tool, use the Magnetic Lasso Tool if you are selecting something that is contrasting to the background; it makes selecting your selection a much more enjoyable process.

Quick Select Tool:
My favorite, by far. It worked well, it was fast, easy, and it worked really, reaaaaaallllly well, for being so quick and easy.
Honestly, I'd probably use it on everything. New favorite tool, right here. 

About Me

So, I'm Brittany Finch, and I love listening to music and playing piano and bass guitar. Yes, I'm a bassist. and yes, I'm awesome. ;) anyway, I have an older brother who's in college and I have 2 dogs... and that's about it; if you wanna know more, you should really talk to me. :)