Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thankful Posters

This is the rough draft of my "Thankful poster".


  1. i really like your poster cause its cute and creative. i love how you wrote stuff on the leaves and put the quote at the bottom, it just ties it all together. the only thing i would change would be making the words on the leaves stand out more somehow

  2. i love the falling leaves and the words on them. i think that the words at the bottom are a little hard to read because of the color, but i like what it says. some of the words, like 'forgiveness' and 'snow' are sort of hard to read, but other than that, i like it! The background color is nice in contrast with the bright oranges and yellows and reds of the leaves.

  3. NIce idea and it goes perfectly with the theme of thanksgiving and all that. I live the leaves and the quote makes yours different. The only thing i would change is making it so that you could see the words on the leaves better.

  4. I really appreciate the idea behind your poster. The leaves are nice because it incorporates the concept of fall and Thanksgiving, and you set the mood very well. I like how you put what you are thankful for on some of the leaves, and that the leaves vary in size, color, and position.
    I would probably just move the quote and its background to the top, so that the viewer is more likely to notice it; I really liked the quote with your poster, but it took a little bit for me to notice it.

    Good job!


About Me

So, I'm Brittany Finch, and I love listening to music and playing piano and bass guitar. Yes, I'm a bassist. and yes, I'm awesome. ;) anyway, I have an older brother who's in college and I have 2 dogs... and that's about it; if you wanna know more, you should really talk to me. :)