Wednesday, December 15, 2010

gradient poster

In this tutorial, I learned about using a gradient to make the bubbles look like they really are bubbles and have light reflecting off of them. I also learned how to put a stroke around things so that the edge is more visible. I also learned how you can change settings in your gradient so that they are more or less "smooth" in the color transitions.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thankful Posters

So this is my "Thankful poster". I like it, because I think the idea that we have so many things to be thankful for, but we don't often realize how much we truly have. And if you were to go out and have a leaf for everything that you're thankful for, I think you might run out of leaves first. So I put that concept into my design, and the things I'm thankful for are on the leaves.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

About Me

So, I'm Brittany Finch, and I love listening to music and playing piano and bass guitar. Yes, I'm a bassist. and yes, I'm awesome. ;) anyway, I have an older brother who's in college and I have 2 dogs... and that's about it; if you wanna know more, you should really talk to me. :)