Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Flower pic

This was the original picture we were given...

and this is what I did to the picture.

I washed out the picture, because I like how it made the colors brighter; I think that makes it more interesting to look at, and almost makes it seem like it's not real... which it isn't... :)
I cropped the picture in close on the flower because I wanted it to be the focal point. To me, this picture gives a more dramatic effect than the original, which just sort of seems like a nice, sweet picture of a cute pink flower on an envelope. My picture evokes a stronger feeling from the person who's looking at it because it contrasts more with the white background of the envelope.

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About Me

So, I'm Brittany Finch, and I love listening to music and playing piano and bass guitar. Yes, I'm a bassist. and yes, I'm awesome. ;) anyway, I have an older brother who's in college and I have 2 dogs... and that's about it; if you wanna know more, you should really talk to me. :)