Friday, October 15, 2010

Self-Portrait Drawing

This was a really time consuming assignment. It took me a while to outline and color myself, then I had to find a background and draw it. I had a lot of fun doing the background. After many failed attempts to make the sky different shades, I found a brush in the Brush menu that looked a lot like chalk. And as you can see, I used it. I learned a ton by doing this drawing; I learned how much you can change brushes and that opacity and flow are your friend. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like it, well I have to say the background is pretty interesting and the hard work I saw you take, the final product is just awesome!


About Me

So, I'm Brittany Finch, and I love listening to music and playing piano and bass guitar. Yes, I'm a bassist. and yes, I'm awesome. ;) anyway, I have an older brother who's in college and I have 2 dogs... and that's about it; if you wanna know more, you should really talk to me. :)